During pregnancy enormous physical, chemical and emotional changes take place over a relatively short period of time. The body has to get used to carrying up to 10kg of baby, waters and placenta, which can impose great physical strain on the organs, tissues, joints and ligaments of the body. In order for the pregnant body to adapt to all these changes it has to find new ways to walk, sit and sleep resulting with new aches and pains arising.

The Benefits of Osteopathy during Pregnancy

Osteopathic treatment while being pregnant can ease some of the symptoms typically associated with pregnancy including:

  • Aches and pains (back pain, neck and shoulder pain, muscular tension)
  • Groin, lower abdominal pain or pubic symphysis pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sciatica
  • Help prepare ‘the way’ for a more trouble free childbirth, by improving flexibility in the pelvis and abdomen
  • Help the mother to recover after birth


60 minutes

