12 Jun 2022

Cervical Syndrome

What is cervical syndrome? What is neck pain and headache?

Cervical syndrome is a group of chronic clinical symptoms, with neck pain or neck pain and headache being predominant.

The characterization of neck pain as cervical syndrome is the chronic symptomatology. Chronicity can cause intense fatigue, bad mood and many times even episodes of depressive behavior. Therefore, when the symptoms appear with remissions and relapses, the condition is characterized as “cervical syndrome”.

What can cause cervical syndrome and headache?

Neck pain and cervical syndrome is a common condition. There is usually no clear cause, but they have been accused of:

  • diseases of the cervical spine,
  • vestibular and balance system problems,
  • diseases of neurological etiology,
  • cranial operations,
  • psychological causes etc. as the causes of cervical syndrome symptoms.

Usually there is no very clear etiology for the existence of the symptoms of cervical syndrome. However, in rare cases when there is a more serious etiology it often also affects adjacent areas such as:

  • head,
  • face,
  • shoulders,
  • hands

while the symptoms do not usually go into remission. In any case, the differential diagnosis is made by a specialist doctor with the appropriate tests.

How much can it affect everyday life?

The region of the spine at the height of the neck is a well-organized network of nerves, muscles, ligaments and bones. The neck supports and coordinates the movement of the head. Any difficulty or blockage of neck movement, from any cause, adversely affects the underlying joints as well.

The neck is the connecting link between the chest, arms and head. Thus, in any dyskinesia of the neck, the bones, muscles and joints of the chest and arms are also directly affected. So as a consequence they can either lack movement or have pain or both.

Any dysfunction in the neck area that may be due to pain or dyskinesia greatly affects our daily life. The patient often reports that when he is in pain he does not feel like doing anything. The lives of patients are affected in many areas, the main ones being the financial and psychological levels. Such a situation can also cause financial problems, as many patients cannot have a normal daily life. Psychological stress is often the reason that changes their social status.

Does physical therapy help cervical syndrome and how?

The pain may be mild and subside with therapeutic techniques. The provision of the appropriate physical therapy intervention with the appropriate choice of technique by a specialized physical therapist will help to solve the problem.

Many times the intervention can initially bring about a reduction in symptoms or an increase in the time it takes for relapses to occur, i.e. a longer time for symptoms to subside. In any case there is an improvement when the physical therapy intervention is properly organized and the appropriate techniques are applied to each patient depending on the history, evaluation and clinical picture.

In the event that the symptoms and pain are very persistent or do not change, a specialist pathologist or orthopedist should probably be visited and further investigated.

What symptoms do I have when I have cervical syndrome?

The symptoms of the cervical syndrome, as its name says, concern the neck area. The clinical picture is pain on movements, stiffness, limitation of movements and vertigo in some cases. symptoms may be isolated or combined and rarely occur simultaneously.

Symptoms of cervical syndrome can be:

  1. neck pain, pain in the neck area
  2. headache, when the pain continues upwards and affects the head as well
  3. stiffness, when the neck loses its elasticity and cannot smoothly make the movements it should
  4. Dizziness, many times the person also feels dizzy along with the neck pain
  5. neuralgia, reflected pain in one and both shoulders, in the arms but can reach the fingers
  6. muscle spasm in the neck area
  7. numbness in fingers or hands
  8. muscle weakness in the extremities

The symptoms someone has can be one, two or more. The syndrome does not always concern the combination of symptoms but also characterizes their fluctuation. The pain can be intense, excruciating, strong, persistent and can affect, as we said, work, everyday life and the person’s psychology.

Cervical syndrome or neck pain is a great scourge of the civilized world. All too often people refer to cervical syndrome to describe a multitude of symptoms that occur due to the modern lifestyle.

Today science and the spectacular increase in technology has helped us but at the same time it has made us sit in a chair. The marked man mostly lives a sedentary life. This affects the body and in particular the bones, muscles, joints, nerves, peritoneum and viscera. This is how the circulation of blood, lymph, etc. changes.

There are many mistakes of the modern lifestyle such as the slouched position in front of the desk, the lack of exercise, the strain on the cervical spine from intense but continuous bad posture, weight gain in the abdominal area (changes the biomechanics of the spine), the long hours of reading even from a very young age that are not accompanied by exercise etc.

Sedentary life is not the only thing the modern world has given us. Despite the benefits of modern life, one more bad condition is stress. Anxiety has been the subject of much modern research. It is not only thought than it seemed but also chemical reactions that affect the functioning of our body.

When you have these symptoms do not neglect to visit a specialist. Physiotherapy will give you a way to reorganize your movement and functionality. Movement is the answer to all these problems and movement can correct stiffness, reduce pain, improve psychology. It will help you to return to your activities and to improve your psychology.

What are the causes of cervical syndrome?

The causes of cervical syndrome can vary. But the most common ones are:

  1. degenerative diseases, with age there may be damage to the joints such as osteoarthritis, osteophytes, cervical degenerative disc disease, deforming spondylosis, etc.
  2. orthopedic conditions such as intervertebral disc herniation, vertebral foramen stenosis, etc.
  3. injury of the area, from a traffic accident (known as “whiplash”) or from intense exercise etc.
  4. bad attitude at work, reading, sleeping, etc
  5. pathological conditions such as microbial infections of the neck, rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, etc.
  6. neoplastic diseases in the neck and adjacent areas
  7. metabolic and endocrinological causes such as congenital muscular occiput, congenital vertebral anomalies, etc.
  8. congenital anomalies and genetic causes
  9. psychogenic causes

Dyskinesia due to pain often causes fear of movement and this prevents the patient from moving. Immobility, however, causes new dyskinesia and therefore new pain. This creates a vicious circle and we never find a solution to the problem. Our bodies are made to move. Movement is life for brain function. We have to move to avoid pain. Don’t be afraid of pain due to movement. Movement solves the pain, as long as it is done correctly and economically. We only benefit from action and movement, while otherwise the risk of relapses and an increase in symptoms increases.

In any case, an evaluation by an orthopedist or a specialist physical therapist must be done. Cervical syndrome and headache can be helped with a special exercise program and individualized intervention techniques.

What are the accompanying problems in cervical syndrome?

Too often the headache and accompanying problems of the cervical syndrome do not hide a serious pathology.

Our neck must function properly and support and perform head movements without pain.

When there is pain and intense dysfunction, our life becomes difficult, our everyday life and by extension our psychology “falls”.

Headache-Cervical Migraine: There is often pain in the back of the neck and base of the skull and extends to the forehead and eye.

Muscle spasm: bad posture, sudden movement, weight lifting, chilling etc

Muscle sprain: Severe stiffness and pain, especially with vigorous movement (usually in trauma). Many times this condition can even affect swallowing and chewing.

How is a headache or neck pain treated? What techniques help?

The most important thing is to maintain the flexibility and mobility of the area.

The contribution of anti-inflammatories or analgesics after a medical examination, as well as soothing ointments is a temporary and temporary solution.
Timely physical therapy intervention treats the symptoms on a permanent and safe basis. This causes both the headache, the stiffness and the accompanying problems of cervical syndrome.

Trust the specialist physical therapist to have an effective treatment and the symptoms will not reappear at all or in the same strength and intensity.

Today the technicians that can help a lot and can be specially adapted to each case.

Depending on the intensity and symptomatology, the evaluation can differentiate the intervention.

The techniques we can use, for example, are the following:

  • Kinesiology, is a comprehensive and scientifically proven physical therapy practice. Based on the neurophysiological structure of the human body, the specialized physiotherapist applies the appropriate kinesiotherapy exercises so that the patient can return to his previous daily life.
  • Electrotherapy, i.e. the therapeutic approach using electrical stimulation of muscle groups, is a widely known and accepted physiotherapeutic method. Electrostimulation can be applied for analgesia, for strengthening, for better lymphatic circulation, etc.
  • Ultrasound, means treatment with high frequency sound waves (above 20 KHz). It is widely used in the resolution of many pathological conditions
  • Laser, is the treatment with tissue biostimulation through a light source as an energy source. In this way we biologically stimulate cellular function
  • Traction, is the therapeutic technique of decongesting the affected area with traction manipulations or traction machines
  • Manual Therapy, is Orthopedic Manipulation Therapy (OMT) is the specialized knowledge of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of neuromusculoskeletal problems, based on clinical reasoning, using specific and specialized approach techniques, which include special manipulations & therapeutic exercises
  • Visceral Manipulation is a hands-on treatment method that consists of gentle, focused forces that encourage normal mobility, tone and inherent movement of the viscera, their connective tissue and other areas of the body that have been disrupted normal movement. It is a trained touch and retraction of the surrounding tissues but also of the viscera themselves, when through visceral auscultation any restriction or tension between the surrounding tissues or the visceral structure itself is identified, which may cause pain or any discomfort to the patient
  • Craniosacral Release/Craniosacral therapy, is an approach of gentle touch on specific key points of the body that relieves pain, tensions and dysfunctions, improving the patient’s health and psychology
  • tape therapy, is the application of a fixed or elastic tape/self-adhesive bandage must be done by a specialized physiotherapist so that it can help with the most effective motor activity possible, either through stabilization or through avoiding new injury or facilitating movement
  • Clinical Pilates, is a method of activating and training the stabilizing muscles of the spine aimed at retraining their reflex function as well as strengthening them. The positive results of the Pilates exercise program led to the creation of Rehabilitation Pilates, or as it is more widely known, Clinical Pilates. Clinical Pilates is based on the original exercises of the method, but with the necessary modifications, simplifications and adaptations according to the pathology and capabilities of each patient and aims to restore synergy and strengthen all functional stabilization systems
  • Massage, It is the therapeutic treatment, which is not only the oldest but also the most used worldwide and probably the most invaluable means for pain relief.

We can use individually or a combination of techniques depending on the severity and chronicity of the symptoms.

The detailed evaluation, examination of the patient as well as the experience of the physical therapist is the combination of the correct and effective intervention.

What is the prognosis? Can I be cured of Cervical Syndrome?

Cervical syndrome is a curable condition unless, which is very rare, it is due to an incurable disease as an accompanying problem.

Treatment and rehabilitation are the result of smooth cooperation between patient and physical therapist.

Restoration is a win-win bet. A good rehabilitation outcome results from cooperation on both sides.

The physiotherapist must listen to the patient’s capabilities and needs. But the patient must also follow the physiotherapist’s instructions every time. In each case there is an interactive relationship and interaction between patient and therapist.

The specialist physical therapist can help you overcome the problem. Trust him according to his qualifications, experience and approach. Each of us is unique and should be treated as such.

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