Angie Emmanouil is a graduate of the Kinesiotherapy Department of YGEIA hospital. Graduated from the N.H.S. as a practitioner of Shiatsu, Gemotherapy and Holistic Massage
Specialized in France in manual therapy, Dorn-Brauss, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, sports massage and bandaging techniques as well as specialized massage techniques around the world.
Specialized in Theta-Healing Method. Graduated from the Management and Emotional Intelligence program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Worked in Italy as:
Head therapist and instructor at Thalgo Spa in Cala di Lepre Resort.
Worked in France as:
Instructor and creator of massages in rehabilitation centers - thalassotherapy and SPA (CARITA, Decleor, Spa Villa Thalgo Paris, Vichy spa, spa Nuxe etc)
Instructor at the private massage schools GAMMES Massage Academy and Marboeuf of the leading chiropractor Gil Amsallem
Kinesiotherapist – manual therapist in the preparation and rehabilitation of marathon runners as well as in the rehabilitation of post-operative cases
Worked in Greece as:
Physiotherapist at the Caroli Glyfada and Divani Apollon Palace SPA
treatment creator, team instructor of physical therapists and V.I.P. personal therapist at Anazoe SPA in Costa Navarino